Fraud awareness statement

(To be read in conjunction with Standard Terms and Conditions)

360Coms Limited, as a registered Communications Provider, has no control of a Customer’s PABX/Switch configuration, voice mail security or other feature services enabled, except where it is contractually responsible for the management of these services. 360Coms’ standard Terms and Conditions require the customer to be liable for all charges incurred, and relating to, traffic passed over any UK network nominated by 360Coms. Customers are therefore urged to verify with their equipment provider that all necessary steps to combat fraudulent use have been taken.

360Coms Limited does not offer any “customised” fraud monitoring service. However, as a responsible Communications Provider, assistance will be given wherever possible to support its customers in the battle against fraud.

Fraudulent activity manifests itself in many different ways. Therefore, we can offer no guarantee or contractual undertaking in relation to detection.

Any assistance given will be on a “reasonable endeavours” basis and no liability can be accepted by 360Coms for any loss sustained by the Customer via fraudulent means that are beyond 360Coms’ reasonable control.

In order that the customer can try to minimise the effects of fraud for their customers and to detect fraud as early as possible, 360Coms can look into options of fraud protection that may be added at a small cost.

If you would like to find out more about options for fraud protection please contact our Business Development and Account Management team.

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I would highly recommend 360Coms to the entire Haulage Industry


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  • Cambridgeshire Chambers Of Commerce
  • Cambridge Dining Company
  • Libra Security
  • Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons